Pack The Ultimate Wedding Emergency Kit For Bride & Bridesmaids Bridal Party Emergency Kit: Items to Make the Wedding Day Stress-Free Hopefully the wedding will go off without a hitch but you should try to be prepared for hiccups along the way just in case! A wedding day survival kit has everything you need to help solve minor problems, mishaps, and accidents. From tweezers to tampons, be prepared for anything. Use our handy guide to make sure you have everything you might need for potential wedding day emergencies! *This post may contain affiliate links. While we can receive commission through affiliate links, opinions are entirely our own.* Most Important Wedding Survival Kit Items The most important wedding survival kit items are the most basic ones. Make sure everyone has what they need to enjoy the day in comfort -- while looking beautiful for the cameras. We recommend having everything from basic first aid items to beauty tools. Check the list below for all the most useful wedding day essentials. 1) First Aid & Medications for the Wedding Party Pain Relievers (Tylenol, Advil, Tums, etc.): You never know when someone’s going to get sick, form a headache, or feel crampy. Have some Tylenol, Advil, Tums, Motrin, Pepto, or other common drugs on hand just in case. Bandaids & Blister Bandages: The chances of getting a blister on wedding day are high. You probably aren’t wearing your most comfortable shoes. Bring some bandages for potential blisters and minor cuts too. 2) Wedding Makeup & Beauty Tools Boob Tape: Boob tape is great to have on hand during wedding day. It keeps the girls in place without needing a special bra to go with your dress! Tweezers: You’ll probably need tweezers to touch up your eyebrows. Plus they’re great to have on hand for potential splinters or other delicate situations. Makeup Remover: We’re guessing you’ll be wearing makeup on wedding day. Make sure you remember your makeup remover to take it off! Nail Polish & Nail Polish Remover: In case someone’s manicure chips it’s a great idea to have nail polish and remover with you on wedding day. Clear nail polish is especially useful to make small repairs to your manicure regardless of color 3) Wedding Day Hair Care Essentials Dry Shampoo: If your hair gets greasy in between showers you can use dry shampoo to make it look fresh throughout the wedding! Hairy Spray: You’ll get your hair done in the morning and then it needs to look nice all day and night. Hair spray will keep your hair in place throughout all the wedding events and it’s easy to reapply. Bobby Pins: Bobby pins are a great idea for controlling loose hair and you’ll need them for whatever hair look you chose for the wedding day. Hair Brush/Comb: A brush or comb is really important for styling your wedding-day hair. This one might be so obvious that you forget to pack it. 4) Helpful Hygiene Products for Wedding Day Period Products (Pads, Tampons, Liners, etc.): We’re crossing our fingers that you don’t have to deal with your period during the wedding. Bring tampons, liners, and pads with you just in case you or anyone else at the wedding need them. Mini Toothpaste/Toothbrushes: Avoid bad breath or the embarrassment of having something stuck in your teeth by having toothbrushes and toothpaste. Bring a few just in case someone else in the wedding party needs one! Deodorant: Another way you can avoid smelling bad on wedding day is by bringing deodorant. The whole bridal party will be running from place to place, dancing all night, and dealing with general stress. They even sell deodorant wipes so you can hand out single use packets to anyone in need! Chapstick: Throw a chapstick or two in the wedding emergency kit. If the wedding is in a dry area, maybe bring a whole pack to share. 5) Clothing Care & Repair for Bridesmaid Dresses Travel Sewing Kit: One of the bridesmaids could get their dress caught on something, a groomsman could lose a button, or the flower girl could rip her dress. A travel sewing kit will ensure you can make small repairs to all the nice clothing you put so much effort into getting ready for the big day. Handheld Steamer: Wrinkled dresses and dress shirts won’t ruin the wedding photos with a handheld steamer in the emergency kit! Fashion Tape: Fashion tape can keep strapless bridesmaid gowns held up, bra straps from falling off shoulders, and belts from flapping. To-Go Stain Remover: Tide to-go or Shout wipes will be a lifesaver in the bridesmaid emergency kit. Formal dresses and fancy wedding foods are a dangerous combination. Lint Roller: Dust, pollen, hair and more can all make your wedding day outfit look a little less nice. Make sure you include a travel size lint roller in the wedding emergency kit. Safety Pins: Another way to keep your clothes in place all day is with safety pins. These are small and easy to pack in your survival kit! 6) Sustenance for Bridesmaids & the Bride Snacks for On-the-Go: Weddings are filled with food but brides, grooms, and the bridal party can forget to eat if they’re busy throughout the day. Pack some healthy snacks for everyone like granola bars, nuts, or fruit. Mini Water Bottles: Don’t forget to drink a lot of water throughout the wedding day. A few mini water bottles can be a life saver in between locations or events. Electrolyte Drinks or Powders: On wedding day you may be sweating a lot, spending time outdoors, and drinking a lot of alcohol. Electrolytes will help keep you hydrated and help you avoid a hangover the next day. 7. Other Important Items for Wedding Day Phone Charger: Pack a charger just in case! If you’re taking lots of photos or helping give people directions to the venue you’ll run out of battery quickly. Superglue: Your wedding emergency kit isn’t complete without some super glue. You can fix just about anything from loose rhinestones to uneven centerpieces. Scissors: A pulled thread on your bridesmaid dress is no match for a set of mini scissors in your wedding day survival kit! Fun Extras to Add Into the Wedding Emergency Kit After you’ve prepared for the important emergencies go ahead and add some items that will add to your convenience. The items below aren’t absolute necessities but they will come in clutch on wedding day and beyond. 1) Bridesmaid Satin Scrunchies “I Can’t Tie the Knot Without You” Bridesmaid Scrunchies These satin scrunchies are gentle on your hair and have a cute little note to bridesmaids that says “I can’t tie the knot without you.” The bridesmaids will be super stoked when they put on their comfy post-wedding clothes and can put their hair up. 2) Personalized Wedding Hand Sanitizers Personalized Wedding Hand Sanitizers Hand sanitizers are a useful gift for the whole bridal party and they’ll also help prevent people from spreading germs at the wedding. You can have them customized with a cute little note or the wedding date and details. 3) Custom Mirrors for Bridesmaids Personalized Compact Mirrors for Bridesmaids How many times have you needed to check your teeth or your makeup and not had a mirror nearby? Make sure all the bridesmaids can check their faces with custom compact mirrors. Have their name or their wedding role printed on the outside for a meaningful touch! 4) Fun Jumbo Hair Clips for Bridesmaids Acrylic Claw Clips for Bridesmaids Claw clips hold your hair back without causing too much damage to your hair or the style. Bridesmaids can throw their hair up in a jumbo clip while they dance or eat without completely destroying their wedding hairstyle. 6) Fuzzy Bridesmaid Socks Comfy Fuzzy Bridesmaid Socks A pair of comfy socks will be the perfect thing to throw on after the wedding. The second you can be out of your fancy wedding shoes you’ll be thankful for these. Buy sets of fuzzy socks for the bridesmaids to throw on post-wedding! Pre-Made Wedding Emergency Kits for the Bride & Bridesmaids Order a pre-made wedding emergency kit to save yourself some time. We get it, you’re super busy -- not just with wedding stuff but with your everyday life as well. These pre-made wedding survival kits are easy to order prepackaged on Etsy without needing to search for all the items in 10 different stores. 1) Wedding Hangover Kit & Hotel Supplies Wedding Hangover Kits The post-wedding hangover is a doozy. Prepare yourself and everyone else with wedding hangover kits. Drinking electrolytes can help you avoid a hangover and Advil will help you cope with the potential headache. The packs also include mouthwash, wet wipes, sunscreen, and more essentials that wedding guests may have forgotten. 2) Complete Wedding Day Emergency Kit Complete Wedding Day Emergency Kit This complete wedding day emergency kit has just about every essential you can think of. The best part is it comes in an adorable and portable pouch. Many of the items we included in our list come with this kit so you won’t have to put your own kit together from scratch. 3) Bridal Survival Kit for Wedding Day Bridal Survival Kit for Wedding Day The bride is going to need her own wedding survival kit with all the same emergency items as the rest of the bridal party. Take a little stress off her mind by making sure she has everything she could possibly need on wedding day in one little package. 4) Deluxe Bride or Bridesmaid Emergency Kit Deluxe Ladies Wedding Emergency Kit A ladies wedding emergency kit is a great idea for the bride as well as all the bridesmaids. These kits come with period products, dry shampoo, makeup wipes, and more essentials. If you love this idea, there are options for the groom and groomsmen too! 5) Wedding Amenity Restroom Baskets Amenity Baskets for Wedding Bathrooms One of the easiest ways to make sure everyone has what they need on wedding day is to keep some of these emergency items in the bathrooms for guests to take as they need. Amenity baskets can be filled with all the same items as an emergency kit like stain remover, bandaids, and deodorant wipes. Create Your Own Wedding Day Survival Kit Get started creating your own wedding day survival kit as soon as you can! You could make one for yourself or small kits for all of the bridal party. You could even purchase a pre-packaged kit to save some time. Use this blog as a guide and make sure you have all the essentials for any potential wedding day emergency! You may need to add different items depending on the wedding venue and the season. Let us know in the comments if we missed any important wedding day emergency items! 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